ball check valve
ball check valve
ball check valve
ball check valve
ball check valve
ball check valve
ball check valve
ball check valve
ball check valve
ball check valve
ball check valve
ball check valve
Phương thức vận chuyển:
mẫu:Hỗ trợ có phíLấy mẫu
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Thông tin cần thiết
Phương thức vận chuyển:快递
số hiệu thông số:DN50-DN600
Mã sản phẩm:ZTCH-HQ41-QT
Mô tả sản phẩm
The ball check valve is a kind of check valve whose main component is a ball. When the fluid flows in one direction, the ball is lifted by the pressure of the fluid and opens the valve to allow the fluid to pass. When the fluid flows in the opposite direction, the ball is pressed by the pressure of the fluid on the upstream side and closes the valve to prevent the fluid from reversing. Therefore, the ball check valve can prevent the fluid from reversing in the pipeline and is widely used in water supply, drainage, steam, gas and other pipelines.
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